Flight Information
- Owner/operator: Handley Page Transport
- Aircraft Type: Handley Page W.8
- Registration: G-EAPJ
- Departure airport: London-Croydon Airport (-/-)
- Destination airport: Paris-Le Bourget Airport (LBG/LFPB)
Incident Overview
- Date: 10 July 1923
- Time: Not specified
- Location: Poix – France
- Flight Phase: En route
- Nature: Passenger – Scheduled
- Occupants: 9
Aircraft Details
- Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN): W.8-1
- Engine Model: Not specified

The aircraft was forced to land with engine trouble. A good landing was made but before the aircraft could stop, it hit a sunken road and broke its back. The pilot and mechanic were thrown out the machine but only received minor injuries.
Cause of Crash
- Primary Cause: The aircraft was forced to land with engine trouble.
Investigation Status
- Agency: Not specified
- Confidence Rating: Not specified
Supporting Information
Flight magazine issued on 19th July 1923
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