Flight Information
- Owner/operator: Handley Page Transport
- Aircraft Type: Handley Page O/400
- Registration: G-EAKE
- Departure airport: Stockholm (unknown airport)
- Destination airport: Kjeller Air Base (ENKJ)
Incident Overview
- Date: 30 June 1920
- Time: Not Specified
- Location: Östanå – Sweden
- Flight Phase: En route
- Nature: Demo/Airshow/Display
- Occupants: 2
Aircraft Details
- Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN): HP-22
- Engine Model: Not Specified

The Handley Page O/400 transport plane participated in a competition between Kristiania (now Oslo), Norway and Stockholm, Sweden regarding a possible airmail contract.
After having passed Örebro one of the engines caught fire due to a broken fuel line. The pilot turned off the engine. Altitude was list and a forced landing was carried out. After a rough landing and bounce, the plane caught fire and was destroyed.
Cause of Crash
- Primary Cause: After having passed Örebro one of the engines caught fire due to a broken fuel line.
Investigation Status
Agency: Not Specified
Confidence Rating: Not Specified
Supporting Information
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