Flight Information
- Owner/operator: Air Union (France)
- Aircraft Type: Farman F.60 Goliath
- Registration: F-AECB
- Departure airport: Berck-sur-Mer Airfield (LFAM)
- Destination airport: London-Croydon Airport (-/-)
Incident Overview
- Date: 27 August 1923
- Time: 17:30
- Location: East Malling, Kent – United Kingdom
- Flight Phase: En route
- Nature: Passenger – Scheduled
- Occupants: 13 (1 Deceased)
Aircraft Details
- Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN): 16
- Engine Model: Not specified

A Farman F.60 Goliath passenger plane was damaged beyond repair in a forced landing near East Malling, Kent, United Kingdom. One passenger was killed.
The flight left Paris-le Bourget, France at 12:45 on a service to London-Croydon with an en route stop at Berck-Sur-Mer, France.
An unscheduled stopover was made at Lympne, Kent, UK, because the port engine was overheating. At Lympne the mechanic repaired the engine and refilled the radiator. The flight took off at 16:47. En route to Croydon the starboard engine quit, forcing the pilot to carry out a forced landing on East Malling Heath.
On final approach to the field the airplane went into a spin and crashed.
Cause of Crash
- Primary Cause: A Farman F.60 Goliath passenger plane was damaged beyond repair in a forced landing near East Malling, Kent, United Kingdom.
Investigation Status
- Agency: Not specified
- Confidence Rating: Not specified
Supporting Information
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