Flight Information
- Owner/operator: Aeromarine Airways
- Aircraft Type: Aeromarine 75
- Registration: Not specified
- Departure airport: Key West Harbor, FL
- Destination airport: Not specified
Incident Overview
- Date: 13 January 1923
- Time: Not specified
- Location: 32 km N off Havana, Cuba – Atlantic Ocean
- Flight Phase: En route
- Nature: Passenger – Scheduled
- Occupants: 9 (4 Deceased)
Aircraft Details
- Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN): Not specified
- Engine Model: Not specified

The Aeromarine 75 flying boat named “Columbus” was en route between Key West and Havana when it force landed at sea following engine trouble.
The flying boat was damaged by 10-15 feet waves and the hull began to fill with water. The survivors were rescued by ferry ship HM Flagler.
Cause of Crash
- Primary Cause: The Aeromarine 75 flying boat named “Columbus” was en route between Key West and Havana when it force landed at sea following engine trouble.
The flying boat was damaged by 10-15 feet waves and the hull began to fill with water.
Investigation Status
- Agency: Not specified
- Confidence Rating: Not specified
Supporting Information
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